Katie Rourke Dowding (26)

A good groom is never cheap and a cheap groom is never good ~ Jackie Grimmett
Spotlight Registered: 12/7/2017
Email: Katie@CentreStageDogGrooming.co.uk
Booking Line: 07767341424
Centre Stage Dog Grooming


Ascot, Berkshire


About me

Katie Rourke Dowding’s professional career in dogs spans over 30 years. She is an International Certified Master Groomer working from her salon in Ascot, Berkshire. When she is not glued to her grooming table, Katie gives seminars on “The Business Of Grooming” for which she was nominated as Speaker of the Year in 2019.

Recognising the concerns of owners and the special needs of the toy dogs in her care, Katie now exclusively specialises in tiny breeds. She no longer grooms dogs over 8 kilos; the smallest dog on the books is currently a 2-year-old poodle weighing just 454g!


Prior to grooming, she owned and ran The Canine Film Academy, a dog training school teaching dogs the skills required to work in films. “Padfoot” (Sirius Black in dog form) who appeared in Harry Potter’s “The Prisoner of Azkaban” was created using a CFA Dog.


Katie’s current crusade is the prevention of groomer’s back injury. She invented The Centre Stage Backdrop and brought it to market in 2018, where it has instantly gained massive recognition and popularity.  Her device prevents small dogs from migrating to the far side of the table while they’re being groomed, which is a major cause of back pain within the grooming industry.


Katie relaxes by walking her dogs, painting watercolours and baking.  She can be reached at: CentreStageDogs@Gmail.com or on WhatsApp: 07767341424




  • Kate Kerr

    Highly recommended!

  • Eugenie Verney

    Katie has been grooming our terrier-spaniel rescue Molly since we adopted her two years ago, and I would never want to go anywhere else. Katie is meticulous in everything she does, highly professional, and has a wealth of knowledge about all things dog! I know I can rely on Katie to flag up any health issues she may pick during at a grooming session — the little things we may have missed — and I feel 100% confident Molly is in brilliant hands. Plus Molly always comes home looking (and smelling!) gorgeous.

  • Rebecca Jonas

    Highly recommended!

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