The Groomers Spotlight | Moving forwards into 2022 The Groomers Spotlight
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Moving forwards into 2022

Sunday, 5 December 2021 12:27 PM

Have you heard of the Facebook Group Dog Grooming Business Help & Support? Yes….


Well this time last year you all would have said NO!

As the group didn’t exist so you are right. In a year we have got to over 5500 members. I

must take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all of those who have joined and

made it the group it is.

So what have we learnt in 2021? I hope if you have been following me and the group, we

have learnt a bit about ourselves, mindset, our businesses, and the potential the Dog

Grooming industry has to give.

We have certainly seen some groomers taking control of their businesses. They have learnt

to charge more with confidence. The power of add on’s to their services such as Teeth

cleaning. They have realised the power of the word NO and started to understand why there

can be a sense of overwhelm within the industry.

We have challenged the idea that going VAT registered is a disaster for your business and

championed talking to people who have experience of it so that the help and advice they

get is relevant and not just a friend down the pub opinion.

Lots of Groomers have become first time employers eek! Pulling on their big brave pants

they have reached out and given someone the opportunity to become their apprentice. Not

only have they taken on some help and support they have accessed some valuable grants

for their businesses too.

The industry has also grown with the addition of the new Level 2 Dog Grooming apprentice,

iPet Cat Grooming qualification, the addition of many training schools and online learning.

So what’s to do in 2022?

Well, I would love it if you could spend the time over the Christmas break while you are

relaxing to reflect on your business. Think about what you want from it? Are you making the

money that you want?

A question was posed in my group in November asking why people don’t want to spend

more than £35 on a groom. I turned this question back and asked……

“Who is your business attracting?”

I want you to look at your business from the outside. Maybe ask some friends and family

too. Look at your Facebook page, Instagram account, Website, Clothing, and front of house.

If you were a customer what is the message, they are getting from it are you a £35 groomer

of a £55 groomer? Let’s up our game, let’s get our branding together and go into the new

year with our heads held high and a new love of our business.

If you’re reading this shaking your head as you don’t have Facebook, Instagram, or a website

then this is your new goal for 2022 and I want you to promise me you will sort this.

These are, in my opinion, no negotiable platforms for your business along with Google My


It’s time for me to sign off. I hope you have an awesome Christmas and I hope to see you all

in the New Year either in my Facebook group or in person at a show.

Happy Christmas


Pet Passion To Profit.

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