Breed History / Description
The Yorkshire Terrier breed owes its origins to the old working Black and Tan Terrier with infusions of Maltese and Skye Terrier blood. It is thought that Scottish labourers travelling to work in the mines and cotton mills of Yorkshire brought their terriers with them and these provided the basis of the breed. This ancestry is seen in the colour of the coat – the breed is born black and tan and changes to a steel blue and tan of silky texture with maturity. A dog named Huddersfield Ben born in 1865 is created as the foundation of the breed. The Yorkshire Terrier soon became popular with ladies as a house pet but he still retains some of the features of his terrier background and can account for any domestic rodent. In the early exhibition of the breed, the Yorkshire Terrier was shown on a silk cloth or cushion and now he remains the only breed which is exhibited on a decorative box in the show ring. The Yorkshire Terrier is in the Toy group
Alert, intelligent toy terrier.
Spirited with even disposition.
Club, K., 2018. The Kennel Club's Breed Standards. 5th ed. London SW1V 2SA: Ebury Press.