Breed History / Description
The English Springer is the highest on the leg of all the Land Spaniels and he shares the same ancestry as the other spaniels. When classification took place, selective breeding for size and colour followed and that stabilised type. At one stage the breed was called the Norfolk Spaniel as it was reputed that the Duke of Norfolk developed the breed. The Springer Spaniels earned their name by their practice of 'springing' forward to flush the game into nets. After the invention of guns, the breed was used to flush game from undergrowth. The liver and white colour is the most popular but black and white and tri-colours occur in lower numbers. The English Springer is the most popular of the spaniels for working in the field. The English Springer Spaniel is part of the Gundog group
Breed is of ancient and pure origins, oldest of sporting gundogs; original purpose was finding and springing game for net, falcon or greyhound. Now used to find, flush and retrieve game for gun.
Friendly, happy disposition, biddable. Timidity or aggression highly undesirable.
Club, K., 2018. The Kennel Club's Breed Standards. 5th ed. London SW1V 2SA: Ebury Press.